
You will always be fond of me. I represent to you all the sins you never had the courage to commit.

– Oscar Wilde –

All the sins is a quarterly digital magazine that encourages writers and artists to have courage and to sin against staid storytelling. Break rules, push boundaries and tell new stories in new ways. Just tell a good story.

All the sins was conceived as a blend of visual, digital and written art that takes storytelling to new limits, asks questions and explores the worlds in which art is made. From poetry and short fiction, to essays, photography and digital art. We encourage artistic engagement and discourse. We hope that as you explore our site you will be inspired by the art you find here. Responses, challenges and reinventions welcome. See a poem that you think could be a painting? Or a photo that should be a song? We’re interested! We believe in an artistic community and we hope you will join with us to build a robust one, filled with original ideas where we push each other to create better and more exciting art through interaction.

In between editions, you can keep up with our transparent editorial process. Discover who is submitting, what we’re seeing in those submissions, what we’re looking for and how we’re making editorial decisions. Ever wondered what goes into designing and publishing a literary magazine? Find out as we do. We’ll also be publishing short features by submitting writers. Check out our submissions page to find out how to be involved.

We hope you’ll find this site filled with stories that make you think, wonder, question and, above all, art that entertains you and enriches your life.

Our Team:

Lisa Andrews is an award-winning writer, journalist and editor with more than 20 years of experience. Her fiction has been published in The A3 Review, Libertine, Ripple and The Guardian. She has also been shortlisted for the Bare Fiction flash fiction competition and the Mslexia short story competition. She has an MA in creative writing and is a board member of the writing group 26. She is also the editorial director of Curious Writer, an editorial consultancy.

Sinead Keegan is a writer, blogger and lecturer. Her poetry and short stories have been published and anthologised widely including in Magma, The Lake, and Sheila-Na-Gig Online. Her blog, Finding Home, has been short and longlisted annually for Blog Awards Ireland. She is also the founder and coordinator of the Stories of SW1 annual writing competition. She has an MFA in creative writing. She lectures in creative and critical writing at Kingston University and London Metropolitan University.


If you like what we do and think our artists are as amazing as we think they are, please help us to support them. Our goal is to pay professional rates, because we believe that artists who can make a living on their art make better art, which enriches all of us. If you’re able to help us with that goal, please visit our Patreon page. Thank you for supporting art, artists and all the sins.


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