Conquered – Crisosto Apache



—as I permanently expect,
I unscrew the caps to each paint tube

I squeeze the first paint tube
to release a bit of titanium white color,
I then, squeeze the second paint tube
and scoop a small bit of scarlet red
onto the pallet

I render the two colors together,
and in time, I add
a bit more titanium white,
to create an adulterate red,
each time I mix in white,
I dilute the red, even more
and each time, I
lose a greater part of myself



Crisosto Apache is an enrolled member of the Mescalero Apache Tribe from New Mexico. His work is published in Black Renaissance Noiré, Yellow Medicine Review (2013/2015), Tribal College Journal, Denver Quarterly (Pushcart Prize Nominee 2014), Hawaii Review, Red Ink Magazine, Cream City Review, Plume Anthology, Common Place and most recently Tending the Fire, by photographer Christopher Felve. Crisosto also appeared on MTV’s Free Your Mind (1993) ad campaign for poetry.


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